Neechan's House of Cels
Fan Art-Various

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Here is part of my collection of fan art aquired at various conventions in their artist's alleys! As you can see it's mostly Naruto, probably because it's my second favorite anime of all time. I just love the little guy, he's the son that I would like to have!

The Shinji/Asuka piece by Danny Valentini was my first fan art purchase; the original was the highest paid art piece ever at Animazement's art auction!

Everyone should check out the artist alleys; you never know what wonderful piece of art you may come across; and you can always commission an original piece made just for you!

(Note: most of these are high-quality color prints made from the original artwork; I have noted the ones that are originals)

 Anbu Itachi

 EVA 01

 Spiderwoman Asuka

 Kouga & InuYasha

 Slam Dunk - Rukawa

 The Flash
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Curator: Neechan
Gallery Created: 12/29/2005
Hits: 9772

Presentation 8.23/10   Collection 8.51/10   Overall 8.41/10   Votes 17 votes
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