Neechan's House of Cels
Fushigi Yuugi

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This is one of my top 3 favorite anime of all time. I never get tired of watching it (I've lost count on the number of times). And what can I say other than, Tasuki is my all-time favorite male anime character; just love those red and orange haired guys!

My friend Scott M. did a great fan-parody using footage from FY called "This is Otakudom", it's very funny! Most conventions usually play it; so if you have not seen it yet, be on the look-out for it!

 Suzaku, TV

 Suzaku, OAV

 Tamahome & Miaka

 Tamahome in Action


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Curator: Neechan
Gallery Created: 12/29/2005
Hits: 9772

Presentation 8.23/10   Collection 8.51/10   Overall 8.41/10   Votes 17 votes
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