Neechan's House of Cels
Card Captor Sakura

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This is definately one of Clamp's best series (X is my personal favorite). It has something for everyone! It's a shame what WB did to the dub TV edit of this show; it never had a chance because of it. Needless to say I purchased the subtitled DVDs.

Personally I like all the characters; I can even do the Tomoyo laugh. Is it just me or is that child scary? So cute and sweet, who would think that in reality she's a stalker!


 Yue (close-up)
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Curator: Neechan
Gallery Created: 12/29/2005
Hits: 9772

Presentation 8.23/10   Collection 8.51/10   Overall 8.41/10   Votes 17 votes
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