Neechan's House of Cels
Hana Yori Dango

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Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: ??
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Original Matching Background

Added 1/12/2006
Updated 1/12/2006
First off let me say I like this cel. Second, this is a perfect example of "buyer beware" on Ebay auctions. This cel was cut down from a pan-cel size in order to fit in someone's cel book. The seller did not state this, and since you usually can't get an entire pan-cel on a scanner, I did not realize that it had been cut until I received the cel. So $130 was paid on a damaged cel. I should have reported the seller but did not, since I felt part of it was my fault for not asking questions. So...please be careful when paying over $100 for a cel on Ebay! This seller had perfect feedback and over 200 transactions.... From epsiode 3

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Curator: Neechan
Gallery Created: 12/29/2005
Hits: 9772

Presentation 8.23/10   Collection 8.51/10   Overall 8.41/10   Votes 17 votes
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